October 10, 2008

At the beginning of the campaign, a friend said she would be praying for me to be clearly understood, knowing that others would attempt to twist my words. My opponent recently posted a “short note #2” on her website, also to be distributed by e-mail, attempting to twist my words to suit her liking.

My opponent has taken information from the Political Courage Test on the Vote Smart website at http://www.votesmart.org/ out of context as a pathetic attempt to define as me as other than a conservative business owner. I encourage you to take a look at the Vote Smart website, read the questions and answers in context, reach your own conclusions, and contact me if you have any questions. I would have posted a side by side comparison here, but my opponent has failed to complete the Political Courage Test and we can’t tell what she might do.

Interestingly, she also deleted the “Comparisons” tab on her website that has said “coming soon” for the last few weeks. In order to run side by side comparisons she’d have to commit herself to taking positions on issues that move beyond mere general talking points. She would have to recognize the complexity of real world decision making outside of a government office. I challenge her to take the Political Courage Test.

And for the record – her first “short note #1” uses the same style of misleading misquotes and mudslinging. She knows she’s misquoting me because I pointed it out to her last week. I really hoped we could have a clean race. I’ll keep it clean on my side, and use this blog to set the record straight as needed.