July 7, 2008

No surprise - more parades and community events over the 4th of July weekend. Suncrest Community Day at Lakeside Middle School on July 4th was a low key event, a nice day out in the sun visiting with neighbors. Conconully Independence Day Parade on July 5th was a blast, literally, when I participated in the Firefighter’s Challenge after the parade. The object is to use a blast of high pressure water to propel a ball hanging high on a cable across your opponent’s goal line and prevent him from getting it across yours. It was a good hot day to get soaking wet! Check back for photos in a week or so.

The most emotional event was the Deer Park Independence Day Concert at Perrin Field just prior to a spectacular fireworks show on the evening of the 4th of July. I joined the choir from the Baptist Church to augment the alto section, and we presented a collection of patriotic songs as a backdrop to a series of carefully selected historical readings. I was moved to tears. We have so unwisely disconnected our country and our culture from the foundation of faith that is – or was – our strength.

It was in the back row of the choir at Reardan Presbyterian Church over 20 years ago that I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior, understanding for the first time that I had to surrender all to receive everything. It was in the back row of the Deer Park Baptist choir on the 4th of July that God tapped me to speak publicly about my faith while I am campaigning. It’s a daunting assignment for a quiet Presbyterian. It feels a bit like I just agreed to walk on a high wire without a net, but I know God will be there with me.